Schedule and Author Schools Visit
To schedule an author school visit, you don’t have to fill out a form, you don’t have to sign a contract, you don’t even have to pay 50% in advance. All you have to do is email me at and let me know what date you would like for me to speak to your students. I schedule my author school visits on a first come basis, so I always recommend you email me early in the school year and schedule our speaking event a few months in advance.
Every Child Dreams of Greatness
I have made it my life’s mission to inspire students to believe in greatness. When students believe in dreams educational success will follow them throughout their lives.
What speaking events do I speak at?
I have spoken at Parents Fun Night, Literacy Night, Boys Scouts, Author Paloozas, Scholastic Book Fairs, Right to Read Week, DARE, CHARACTER, DREAM, Library Literacy Events, State, Regional and National Education Conferences, and many, many rural and urban school assemblies. I have spoken to over 1200 students in one assembly and have also spoken to just a handful of students in a classroom. I am often asked to teach beginning and intermediate writers at my writer’s symposium.
What age groups do I speak to?
I speak to pre-K to grades 2 for 30 minutes regarding my picture book A Birthday Wish. I also speak to Grades 3-5/6 for 45 minutes regarding my local dream series sports books. I will also speak to Grades 6-8 for 45 minutes if requested. I usually speak in a gym or auditorium and will use half of the gym for a baseball skit. Because I speak often during my book tours I would also like a microphone. I have partnered with the Reds Gapper and the Iowa Cubs Cubbie Bear at many of my author school visits and welcome the opportunity to have your local sports mascot accompany me. Schools will also have children/teachers dress in their favorite sports outfit and will create a baseball themed literacy event. If requested, I will offer your school ESPN X Games sportswear for prizes to be handed out at the assembly.
I don’t have set fees and will usually negotiate my expenses based on how well my books are received by your parents/teachers. There are no obligations on your school’s part to purchase any books but you can pre-order books ahead of my speech to get students excited about my author visit. For offering me the opportunity to speak to your students, I will discount my books 20% off the retail price and will autograph each book with its own inspirational message. I will be happy to email you order forms and book flyers so you can send them home with students prior to my author visit.
Author School Visit Map